About Us
Board Meetings
Raymondale Civic Association (RCA) Board of Directors meets monthly. Meetings are open to all residents. See our Events calendar for upcoming meeting dates.
Meeting Minutes
Raymondale residents and members may contact the Board to request meeting minutes.
Annual Meeting

2021 Annual Meeting Slides

Raymondale History Slides
Board Positions & Descriptions
Preside at all meetings
Appoint committee chairs
Represent RCA to the Fairfax County Federation of Citizens Associations (and the Mason District Council thereof)
Other duties: determine Newsletter publishing calendar, content. Represent RCA executive board when testifying at county public hearings or similar forums. Represent RCA when liaising with neighboring associations. Monitor residential real estate trends. Keeper of the Fallowfield Dr. sandwich board sign.
Vice President
Perform the duties of president(s) in their absence
Perform other such duties as assigned by the president or the executive committee
Represent RCA to the FCFCA (and MDC)
Other duties: Social event co-planner. Marketing design. Keeper of the Brandy Ct. sandwich board sign.
Record the proceedings of the association
Other duties as pertain to the office
Custodian of an official copy of the Constitution and Bylaws, together with all amendments thereto
Must turn over all such papers to successor or other properly authorized person upon expiration of his/her term
Other duties: Manage the official calendar. Manage/update the website as needed. Monitor the official RCA google email address. Monitor or co-monitor the Google group (listserve). Invite neighbors to regular meetings. Record virtual meetings as needed. Woodley Pool liaison. Reserve county meeting space as needed (roughly 3 mos. In advance).
Keep a list of members
Collect all monies due the association, providing receipts
Record the amount of each payment with the name/address of the person so paying
Faithfully care for all monies entrusted to the treasurer’s keeping, paying out the same only with the approval of the association, or in amounts not to exceed [$25] for any one purpose by the approval of the Executive Committee, taking a receipt therefore
Prepare a report for each regular meeting
At the expiration of term of office turn over to successor or other authorized person all records, money or other property of the association that may be in treasurer’s possession
All checks drawn on association funds shall be countersigned by the president or VP.
Other duties: Co-planner of social events. Keeper of the Dye Dr. sandwich board sign. Keeper of the box of historical records. Seek event insurance as needed. Manage electronic payment portals.
At Large
Attends meetings
Assists with other duties as assigned
Other Roles/Volunteer Opportunities
Block chair coordinator
Google list co-manager
Police liaison / National Night Out organizer
Nominating committee
Neighborhood historian/archivist
Environmental steward (organize IMA events, cleanups, etc)
Raymondale sign upkeep (gardening/maintenance)
Membership development (welcoming committee, etc)